Jemma is an absolute coaching genius. She is the right side of firm and strict (which really keeps me accountable!) but also understanding that life happens and sometimes you just need an easy head-clearing run or a rest day. I approached Jem with 8 weeks to go before the Virtual London Marathon, and my training had been… sketchy at best from a few online sources that I’d cobbled together!
Following all of the disappointments of 2020 I’d lost my mojo and my training really hadn’t been great. Most coaches would have said, no not a chance, but not Jemma, she said OK Steff we can do this! With Jemma’s guidance and encouragement not only did I manage to stabilise the consistency in my training but I also fell in love with running all over again and completed a virtual marathon without any injury/niggles and I absolutely LOVED it!!
Jemma’s Impact
Having Jemma as my coach has formalised my training, and takes the stress out of trying to know what sessions/runs I should be doing and also giving me that helpful nudge to go and get it done on the days that you’re really not feeling it.
Jemma has worked around my crazy work schedule, lockdown, my moaning and so much more. I’ve more than a few times thought, I really don’t want to go on this run… and nearly not gone, but the thought of having to fess up gives me the accountability and motivation to lace up and get out there. It’s almost like she has a 6th sense to know what and when to say, to motivate me. Thank you, Jemma, for your support and wisdom, and for making me run longer and faster. I can’t wait to see what we can achieve next…
If you’re looking for someone to be soft and gentle who will say ‘There there, it’s OK you missed that run’, Jemma is not for you. But if you want someone who has genuinely got your back, is invested in you, wants to see you succeed and will get you the results you want – without a shadow of a doubt you should get Jemma on your team!
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