

“You can do this, You can!”

Some of the first words Jemma said to me, resulting in lots of tears from me. It was my first 1-1 and Jemma had already uncovered my biggest hurdle. I had no self-belief, no confidence in my running ability and that was about to change.

I was a full-time working mom of two children, my youngest was just 12 months. I loved running, it was all I wanted to do when I wasn’t at work or being mom, but the buzz had gone. The excitement had faded and running had become just another thing to ‘get done’. Another thing to squeeze into the ever tighter schedule.

I met Jemma at the most perfect moment and just as a space had become available. Jemma sets my training plan. A plan which constantly challenges me physically and mentally. Jemma sets sessions that make me laugh, nervously and then jump for joy (if there’s energy left) when I somehow complete them. It’s exciting, scary, restorative and utterly bonkers and I love it. I have achieved paces, distances and took part in events I never dreamt of AND enjoyed it all (mostly).

I work hard, the training plan commands that. It commands commitment and respect but it’s also FUN. Jemma is there, every step of the way to push you to the edge but never over the edge. It’s all achievable and measured and fully supported by Jemma in every possible way.

The biggest reason I’ve achieved so much with Jemma, I believe, is not purely down to the physical improvements but the restoration of my self-belief. Jemma has given me the ability to not just watch and admire other people, other women achieve but to go out and get some of that for myself.

For anyone looking for a running coach, whatever level of runner you are, my advice would be that you’ll never regret it. Invest in yourself and see where it takes you.

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