

I followed Jemma on Instagram for a while and admired her approach to running before I realised she coached as well. 

Being a sporadic on/off runner for years I decided that I was going to do a marathon and I got in touch with Jemma to see if she thought it would be possible for me to do one. 

Before I met Jemma I never pushed myself and had resigned myself to just being a plodder and that I would always be a slow runner. 

In the last 3 months with the support of Jemma I have achieved goals I had always had in the back of my mind but never thought were possible. 

When my mind is playing tricks with me and the doubts creep in Jemma never fails to get me back on the right track and it’s so nice having someone that actually believes in you and what you can achieve even when you sometimes don’t yourself! She is completely understanding when runs need to be rescheduled because of various life factors, extremely approachable and her passion for running makes you want to do better for yourself as well. 

My running and outlook has changed forever and I think everyone needs a Jemma in their life! 

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