I never thought I was good enough to get a running coach. I started running at the grand old age of 37 with the aim of completing a 10K for the Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity after my daughter was born at 26 weeks the previous year.
As someone who avoided exercise at all costs throughout my entire life and preferred the party lifestyle, it really took a lot out of me to even complete that 10K. But I did it in 1 hour and 7 minutes and what can I say, I was hooked!
Running provided an escape for me, especially during covid. Time to myself and a relief from an anxious mind. But soon that wasn’t enough. I wanted to get better. I wanted to get quicker, run further, really challenge myself. I started following Jemma after I heard her interview on the Women’s Running podcast and thought she was really someone I could really relate to. I had thought about getting a coach for a while, but always thought i was too average and no-one would want to take me on.
Then I watched Jemma interview one of her girls on a instagram live and got really good vibes. I thought, what have I got to lose? Turns out I had 12 minutes to lose OFF OF MY FIRST 10K time!! Don’t get me wrong, there’s been a LOT of work put in to achieve that, but my god, has Jemma pushed me to be my absolute best! She believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself and she’s proved to me that if I stay consistent and keep showing up, anything is possible.
So if you’re sitting where I was last year, wondering how to get better, not thinking you’re good enough, scared to approach a running group – reach out to Jemma! Her plan gives me focus and accountability and the results speak for themselves!